Team KNAW Humanities Cluster – Amsterdam, the Netherlands Inger LeemansCultural History (Principal Investigator, WP7 lead) Marieke van ErpLanguage Technology, Semantic web, Digital Humanities (Project Manager, multiple WPs) Sofia Collette EhrichOlfactory Events and Exhibitions (WP1, WP7). Ronald SluijterResearch data management, language technology (WP1, WP3) Arno BosseDigital Humanities, Funding & Partnerships Ali HürriyetoğluLanguage technology (WP3) Sophie ElpersIntangible Cultural Heritage, Policy-making (WP7) Alex Erica Mary McQueenOlfactory Events and Exhibitions (WP7), History of smell and senses (WP5). Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen – Nürnberg, Germany Vincent ChristleinComputer vision (WP2 lead) Andrea BüttnerAroma and Smell Research (WP2, WP6) Peter BellArt History, Computer Vision Helene LoosAroma and Smell Research (WP2, WP6) Mathias ZinnenComputer Vision (WP2) Prathmesh MadhuFAUComputer Vision (WP2) Fondazione Bruno Kessler – Trento, Italy Sara TonelliLanguage technology, digital humanities (WP3 lead) Elisa LeonardelliLanguage technology, digital humanities (WP3) Stefano MeniniLanguage technology, digital humanities (WP3) Serra Sinem TekiroğluNatural language processing, olfactory taxonomies (WP3) EURECOM – Sophia Antipolis, France Pasquale LisenaSemantic Web (WP4) Raphaël TroncySemantic Web (WP4 lead) Thibault EhrhartSemantic Web (WP4) University of York – York, United Kingdom William TullettHistory of smell and senses (WP5 lead) Victoria-Anne MichelHistory of smell and olfactory heritage (WP5) Jožef Stefan Institute – Ljubljana, Slovenia Daniel SchwabeSemantic Web (WP4) Dunja MladenićSemantic web (WP4, WP3) Inna NovalijaSemantic web (WP3, WP4) Janez BrankSemantic Web (WP3, WP4) M.Besher MassriSemantic web (WP4) Marko GrobelnikSemantic web (WP4, WP3) University College London – London, United Kingdom Cecilia BembibreOlfactory heritage science (WP6 Lead), Ethics (WP8) George AlexopoulosOlfactory heritage science (WP6) Matija StrličOlfactory heritage science (WP6) Sanjoli MathurOlfactory heritage science (WP6) Data Annotation Team Hang TranFAUElias JürgensKNAW HuCAron OuwerkerkKNAW HuCJosephine KoopmanKNAW HuCSanne SteenKNAW HuCTeresa PaccosiFBK