Olfactory Heritage Toolkit

We experience heritage with all our senses. What is more, sensory experiences can be an important part of heritage engagements. Think about the sound of church bells, the taste of regional cheeses, the smell of a traditional pub, or the ways craftsmen such as millers and wine connoisseurs make use of their nose. Traditionally, however, heritage policy bodies have had little interest in the sensorial aspects of that heritage. Due to this neglect, we are at risk of losing smellscapes and olfactory practices meaningful for certain regions and communities. Furthermore, we are neglecting opportunities to strengthen the strategic agendas of (inter)national heritage bodies with a sensory dimension, which could enhance their value and accessibility.

The Olfactory Heritage Toolkit offers future-oriented recommendations and methodologies for sensory heritage policies and practices. It is an open access resource created for cultural heritage professionals and policy makers to help them recognize, document and safeguard olfactory heritage and help them to support heritage communities in this effort. The contents of the toolkit are based on the research carried out by the Odeuropa project, developed in close engagement with heritage communities and heritage institutes, and validated through discussions with heritage professionals.

The Olfactory Heritage Toolkit includes:

  • Olfactory Heritage White Paper
  • Strategy for the Recognition of Olfactory Heritage
  • Description of the Heritage Smell Library
  • References


  • Values of Olfactory Heritage
  • Olfactory Heritage Practices
  • Smells with Heritage Value
  • Fragrant Places

The Toolkit and its resources are freely downloadable: