
ODOTHEKA (2021-2024) is developing a pipeline for archiving of heritage smells based on 10 case studies from Muzeum Narodowe w Krakowie (National Museum in Krakow), and Narodni muzej Slovenije (National Museum of Slovenia in Ljubljana). The approach will involve historical evaluation, chemical analysis and odour reproduction.

Historical evaluation will consider the cultural and historical value of the object, as well as the significance of olfactory information to the interpretation of the object and its biography. Using chemical analysis we will characterize the object aroma components and identify those volatile organic compounds that constitute the odour. Based on olfactory analysis, we will describe, examine and recreate odours.

The project (N1-0228) is funded through the CEUS scheme in collaboration between NCN (Narodowe Centrum Nauki) and ARRS (Slovenian Research Agency), and apart from the two museum institutions also involves the Cracow University of Economics, Poland, and the Heritage Science Laboratory Ljubljana at the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology of the University of Ljubljana.

Odeuropa’s Matija Strlič is involved in Odotheka.