Data Explorations

Please sign-up for the events below using the link in the confirmation email you will receive after registering for the Smell Culture Fair

1st Breakout Round: 11.30-12.45

During the first data exploration session, participants will receive demonstrations of the newly released Odeuropa Smell Explorer and Encyclopaedia of Smell Heritage and Heritage.

The Odeuropa Smell Explorer is an innovative online research tool that collates historical data from 23,000 images and 62,000 texts in six languages, leveraging machine learning to recognise and categorise olfactory elements. Users can explore significant smells of Europe, tracing how these were depicted, described, and experienced historically. 

The Encyclopaedia of Smell History and Heritage is an online reference tool that brings together academic and creative expertise on smell as a cultural phenomenon. The Encyclopedia seeks to identify, consolidate, and promote knowledge of the wide-ranging role scents and smelling have in our cultural heritage and history. It is composed of Wikipedia-like curated entries with descriptions of particular scents, smellscapes, noses, and feelings related to smells. 

A video recording of this session is available on YouTube:

2nd Breakout Round: 13.45-15.00

The second data exploration session will to a large extent offer a repeat of the topics covered in the first session.

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